In the summer 2024 issue of the Education Procurement Journal, Veronica Fletcher Cook reflects on her inspiring work as the Executive Program Director for the UConn Supplier Diversity Program. Over the years, Veronica has effectively helped diverse suppliers navigate the UConn procurement process. It’s not been easy! 

One significant challenge she identifies is the presence of “distractions.” Veronica defines these as the disconnect between an institution’s stated commitment to supplier diversity, the actual implementation, and the resulting outcomes. The antidote to these distractions, she asserts, is unwavering focus and dedicated efforts. Veronica pointed out: 

If, however, we are only pursuing and using these to make our institutions appear more inclusive, while in reality making no real efforts behind the scenes toward the removal of obstacles, they should more accurately be classified as distractions, necessitating an institutional focus shift.

Our research over the past three years, based on the experiences and perceptions of diverse suppliers and higher education buyers, underscores similar macro and micro challenges. As one procurement professional in our recent survey observed, “People love to talk about supplier diversity, but there hasn’t been a lot of action towards it.” (To learn more, read our latest research report.)    

Veronica’s advice, therefore, is so essential: “Stay focused on your WHY.” 

WHY supplier diversity can be an engine of innovation and competition. WHY supplier diversity drives the economic resilience of local, often historically disadvantaged, communities. WHY supplier diversity brings institutional practice in line with institutional values. 

Another key point that Veronica makes is this: 

It is important to acknowledge that we cannot do this work alone. We need each other to truly be successful. I have attended conferences, sat on panels, hosted webinars, participated in matchmakers, shared UConn’s practices and lessons learned with my supplier diversity peers, and been encouraged by your voices. I have found that it is through our conversations, collaborations and sharing that we learn, grow, and keep our programs energized and strong. 

You can find Veronica’s inspiring and energizing story here