Fellowship Program Description

Over the 20-week program, Fellows participate in online workshops, connect with experienced mentors, and access the resources of the global entrepreneurial ecosystem at Northeastern University.

Experienced instructors, who have been small business owners themselves, facilitate four virtual workshops. Each workshop is three weeks long and requires 3-4 hours of reading and interaction with the instructor and the other Fellows. The workshops are the cornerstone of the fellowship, and participation is mandatory. Fellows earn a digital badge from Northeastern University, which will help showcase their newly acquired competencies. In addition, Fellows will also meet in Boston for all-day learning events in March and August (travel expenses paid).

Adjacent to the workshops, fellows will work with student teams to solve business challenges, tapping into the global Northeastern network of expertise. Here are examples of the types of projects Northeastern student teams can help you with. Fellows also work one-on-one with mentors aligned with their professional development and business goals.

Empower Your Entrepreneurial Journey